Your Trusted Storm Shelter Installers & Safe Room Experts.
In line with our unwavering commitment to fortifying homes, we recognize the pressing need to extend this protection to our educational institutions. At Hunkerdown, we understand the critical importance of creating safe and secure environments, especially in classrooms and schools. As an integral part of our mission, we actively advocate for and contribute to initiatives aimed at safeguarding educational spaces against potential threats, including the unfortunate but increasingly relevant concern of active shooters.
our mission
Providing Security, Safety, & Resilence for your peace of mind.
In the pursuit of our mission, we work hand-in-hand with schools in PA and NJ to develop customized safety plans, implement state-of-the-art security measures, and foster a culture of preparedness. At Hunkerdown, we firmly believe that every child has the right to learn in an environment free from fear, and every educator deserves the peace of mind that comes with a fortified and secure school setting. Our mission is centered around three core principles:
- Ensuring Secure, Top-Notch Storm Shelters for Every Home.
- Securing Your Loved Ones in an Emergency.
- Empowering Preparedness, Ensuring Peace of Mind.
Total PA Tornadoes
Total PA Injuries
Total PA Fatalities
Total PA Property Damage